SkazkaTerra Терапевт. Сказки

by Skazkaterra



SkazkaTerra is an application of therapeutic fairy tales written and selected by child psychologistsSkazkaTerra is an individual set of high-quality psychological fairy tales in audio format that comes to the child every dayFairytale therapy is a branch of psychology in which the method of influence is clothed in a fairytale form.How are fairy-tale therapy stories useful and for what purpose?To harmonize personality and family relationships.To develop abilities and self-confidence.For soft training and educationTo improve interaction with the outside world.To correct destructive behavioral patterns.To get rid of various fears and phobias.A wide base of Skazkaterra fairy tales allows you to create a selection in accordance with your theme, taking into account the main interests and age characteristics of your child.Built-in individualization mechanisms, created taking into account the age and gender of your child, in accordance with your goals and wishes, will provide a comprehensive impact on your child.Fairy tales will pose important questions and suggest answers to them, help you look at the situation from different angles, offer several ways to solve problems, and also give confidence in your abilities.Your individual set includes basic and corrective fairy tales:Basic fairy tales - will ensure the harmonious development of the child and his relationship with the world around him.Corrective fairy tales - will help to cope with difficulties at certain stages of a childs development, such as: fear of the dark;adaptation to kindergarten, school; whims; conflicts; the child does not let go of the mother; hyperactivity; sibling rivalry.Meditative fairy tales are magic pills for restless kids and a magic wand for a calm and sound sleep of a child. They not only soothe and give good dreams, but also have a beneficial effect on the attention and memory of children, instill self-confidence and awaken childrens imaginations. Meditative fairy tales improve mood and tune in to positive.